Spring Clean Up Success!

Thank you to the over 60 volunteers who came out and volunteered their time on April 20th! Significant improvements were made to the Grove.  Your support and commitment have truly made a difference.

We wanted to send a special shout-out to Zadoc Deger of Weeks Tree Service, LLC for volunteering his services at the last minute to perform the task of chipping all of the collected branches and debris! Weeks Tree Service, located in Phoenixville, specializes in tree removal and large tree planting. They are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and techniques to perform tasks such as tree trimming, pruning, cabling, and tree removal with precision and care. They also provide services such as pest and disease management, fertilization, and even tree planting to help you create a flourishing landscape.

Thanks to our community volunteers: Owen J Roberts HS Leo Club, Constellation Military Group, VFW Post 1564 (Phoenixville), Association of the US Army, Penn & Franklin Chapter, along with many other groups and individuals.


Thank you to our corporate employee volunteers!


#ProjectComplete #MedalofHonorGrove #CommunityEffort #Gratitude #VolunteerSpirit 🇺🇸